
以下是十大彩票平台网站上常见学生支持页面的快速目录. 有关学生支持服务的更深入指南,请参阅 Campus & 社区资源指南 or the 学生手册.

学术顾问 & 转移中心
The 学术顾问 and 转移中心 provides continuous support guiding students in making informed educational decisions. 学术顾问为学生提供学术支持, 生涯探索, 课程安排, 教育计划, 以及转学建议.


ARIES学生计划系统是主要的学生在线计划工具. 学生可以查看成绩, 注册课程, 改变他们的日程安排, 管理财务信息. ARIES取代了十大彩票平台中的WebAdvisor函数.

Change of Major
Currently enrolled students who would like to change their program/major need to submit a change of major request through the general online Admissions application.

The Registrar’s Office manages student records and provides students services for transcript ordering; class registration for non-degree students; requests to audit a class; enrollment verifications; withdrawal requests; FERPA -允许发布学生信息; CCGS forms; name change requests; SSN and residency changes; phone number, address, and personal address changes; dean’s list information; MassTransfer block and pathways information; and course offering information.

Testing & 评估中心
The Testing and 评估中心 provides incoming as well as current students proctored testing services such as placement assessments, CLEP exams, Challenge exams, 以及HiSET/GED考试.

TRIO SSS在上大学期间提供个人援助. TRIO SSS帮助第一代学生, 符合收入指引, and/or have a documented disability achieve academic and personal success while in college and also prepares them to transition into a career or four-year institution upon completion of their degree. 具体的支持包括学术咨询、同伴辅导、奖学金、研讨会和活动.

Career Services
Career Services provides students with career planning support from full and part-time employment and internship opportunities, 协助撰写简历和求职信, 面试技巧, mock interviews, 并在整个求职过程中提供建议.

Career Coach
职业教练工具提供了合作雇主的工作机会列表, 根据十大彩票平台计划和职业兴趣分类的数百个需求职位的详细工作和薪资趋势, 职业评估工具, 简历制作师.

TRIO SSS在上大学期间提供个人援助. TRIO SSS帮助第一代学生, 符合收入指引, and/or have a documented disability achieve academic and personal success while in college and also prepares them to transition into a career or four-year institution upon completion of their degree. 具体的支持包括学术咨询、同伴辅导、奖学金、研讨会和活动.

十大彩票平台举办校内活动, private, non-profit child daycare center that serves the children (ages two-years-nine months to five-years) of 十大彩票平台 students, faculty, staff, and the public.

我们的残疾服务办公室(ODS)提供住宿, services, 为残疾学生提供辅助设备.

学生事务办公室负责监督未偿债务上诉程序. The process is used to appeal an outstanding tuition and fee debt obligation to 十大彩票平台技术社区学院, 由于情有可原的情况.


大学学费有时会让人难以承受. The Student Financial Service Department is here to assist with all questions regarding the financial aid process, 付款安排, 书店凭证, Ram Cards, 还有医疗保险豁免.

TRIO SSS在上大学期间提供个人援助. TRIO SSS帮助第一代学生, 符合收入指引, and/or have a documented disability achieve academic and personal success while in college and also prepares them to transition into a career or four-year institution upon completion of their degree. 具体的支持包括学术咨询、同伴辅导、奖学金、研讨会和活动.

Alcohol & 其他药物滥用康复 & 教育资源
你并不孤单.  We have resources available to assist you in getting help for alcohol and other drug abuse so that you will be able to concentrate on your college education.

Athletics & Fitness Center
十大彩票平台体育校际男子和女子篮球队, soccer, 摔跤以及校内和娱乐活动. 健身中心是提供给所有目前就读的学生,教师和工作人员.

Campus Safety
十大彩票平台校园内的学生、教职员工和社区成员的安全至关重要. Campus Police, 校园警报系统, LiveSafe应用程序, 应急准备指南有助于维护校园安全.

家庭暴力,性侵犯 & 跟踪资源
你并不孤单. 十大彩票平台为家庭暴力/约会暴力的受害者和幸存者提供资源, sexual assault, and stalking.

This office assists students and faculty to complete all clinical requirements prior to going into a training site for fieldwork.

Health & Wellness Center
The Health & 健康中心全年为学生提供医疗服务和教育. The center also tracks health records and will be your point of contact at the college as you gather and submit these records.

学生事务办公室管理医疗再入学程序. 任何因病离开学院的学生, 或在大学入学期间住院, 在复课前,必须遵守学院的复读程序.

Students with health insurance and an identifying need or desire for personal counseling can be seen by a licensed professional therapist for mental health services.

Self-Care Rooms
校园内设有自我护理室,供学生使用任何合法的医疗需要,包括哺乳, wound care, 自我给药, and meditation.

The 接入服务中心 (CAS) helps students overcome barriers that stand in the way of self-sufficiency, 让他们成功并留在学校. CAS connects students to on-campus resources and provides referrals to community social service agencies that help individuals overcome issues including, 但不限于:财务挑战, 食品不安全, homelessness, 药物滥用, 以及各种州和联邦福利. 中科院办公室提供服务和倡议, 包括免费的学习用品和RAM橱柜, 谁为面临食品不安全的学生提供食品和膳食.

Before starting classes you will need to access your 十大彩票平台 Account and become familiar with 十大彩票平台 Account systems. 您的十大彩票平台帐户允许您登录ARIES, 十大彩票平台Net, 十大彩票平台 Gmail, Blackboard, ARIES, 密码管理器, 十大彩票平台 computers, 和十大彩票平台打印机. 使用相同的用户名和密码登录所有十大彩票平台 Account系统.

Tech Tutorials


校园目录(办公室), Employee, 和教师)提供联系信息(电子邮件), phone, 办公室),以便联络您可能需要联络的任何人士或办事处.

Campus Map & Directions

Parking & Transportation
Students can apply for parking permits and PVTA bus passes as well as manage their parking account on the Parking Portal.

Athletics & Fitness Center
十大彩票平台体育校际男子和女子篮球队, soccer, 摔跤以及校内和娱乐活动. 健身中心是提供给所有目前就读的学生,教师和工作人员.

The 社区参与 Office provides students with opportunities to become civically engaged as active and responsible members of our community.

十大彩票平台通过辅导小组等机会十大彩票平台成为领导者, 学生活动及社团, 还有一个领导荣誉协会.

The Office of 多元文化事务 (OMA) offers culturally diverse programs and events designed to engage and enrich the campus life experience. OMA多元文化中心是一个保险箱, multi-use, academic, 以及通过活动十大彩票平台积极参与的社交空间, programs, 以及与多样性和包容性主题相关的建设性对话.

The Activities and Development Office provides diverse opportunities for students to become involved in campus life through initiatives such as the 学生会总会(SGA),校园活动委员会(CAB) 学生大使计划(SAP)社区服务项目,多种多样 俱乐部和组织, and 社区活动和旅行.

所有辅导服务的广泛概述以及集中辅导申请表可在我们的 辅导服务页面.

十大彩票平台图书馆为所有学生提供了大量的免费资源,包括, Chromebook和热点借阅, 访问数据库, books, journals, ebooks, films, research guides, and more.

STEM Center
STEM中心为所有学习科学的学生提供学术支持, Technology, Engineering, 和数学(STEM)课程,如虚拟一对一和小组辅导课程.

学生成功中心为学生提供大多数科目的一对一辅导, 个人学生成功教练, online tutoring, 对学生给予警告、休学等处分. 你的学生成功教练可以帮助你了解作为一个学生的责任, 同时平衡个人生活的需求和细微差别.

补充说明 (SI) is a peer tutoring program in which a peer tutor (SI Leader) is assigned to work with a particular class for the semester. SI leaders are currently enrolled students who offer group and individual review sessions for students outside of class time.

TRIO SSS在上大学期间提供个人援助. TRIO SSS帮助第一代学生, 符合收入指引, and/or have a documented disability achieve academic and personal success while in college and also prepares them to transition into a career or four-year institution upon completion of their degree. 具体的支持包括学术咨询、同伴辅导、奖学金、研讨会和活动.

Writing Center
写作中心为所有十大彩票平台学生提供免费的写作项目同伴帮助. 写作中心支持所有课程、所有类型的写作和所有阶段的写作.

The mission of the Center for Student Veterans and Service Members is to eliminate the barriers to a successful college education by identifying needs, 提供支持, 促进交流互动, 并赋予学生军事训练和战斗经验的成功.

如果你找不到你要找的东西,请尝试在标题导航菜单中查找, 页脚导航菜单, 网站搜索功能, the 学生消费者资料页, or the 网站地图.